I am really, really enjoying Stargate SG-1. It’s nice to have a new sci-fi universe to love. We’re about half-way through the second season, my thoughts so far:
- It’s a bit cheap and kitschy, but for me, that’s a feature, not a bug
- Okay, how ridiculously Freudian is the symbolism in this show?? Phallic guns and pillars and a Stargate that’s almost rudely female. The fact that to dial the stargate address you have to twiddle with what looks like a giant glowing nipple doesn’t help. TD and I are constantly cracking up.
- Nice to see Armin Shimmerman as a gentle, enlightened alien! Fun bit of casting against type.
- I love Jack and Teal’c comedy-duo bromance.
- Daniel’s the weak point of the ensemble --- he’s supposed to be a lovable geek, not some wooden square jawed dude --- but it doesn’t really matter because I love the rest of the cast so much. Even the cliché stern father/rebellious son dynamic that General Hammond and Jack have is fun.
- In fact, the one character Jack doesn’t have chemistry with is Daniel. Sorry, Jack/Daniel slashers, I just don’t see it.
- However, I totally have a complex parallel behind-the-scenes story for Sam and Jan all worked out. Sam’s adorable and there’s something very sexy about Jan. Maybe it’s the way she buttons her shirts all the way up to the collar…
- I like how the show constantly pokes fun at Teal’c’s role as “logic Spock alien”.
- I can see I’m going to have to hunt down some SG1 icons now.