Yeah, so I cracked open Losing the Peace last night. I've never actually read a Star Trek novel before, so I was blissfully unaware about the direction the lives of our intrepid heroes has taken. Although I really shouldn't ever be surprised at Star Trek writers ability to take great characters and premises and run them right into the ground.
But, OMG. They've married Picard and Crusher?? They're having a baby?? EEEEEWWWWW.The universe really doen't need a Wesley 2.0. Like Picard would ever go for someone as naff as Beverly. I have read some good Beverley fics, but they necessarily rely on giving her a personality transplant. The only person I can really ship Picard with is Anij from Insurrection (and not just because I fancy the pants off Donna Murphy. Mmmm!)
Also there's a throwaway line about Commander Ezri Dax being a part of Starfleet's final defeat of the Borg. WHATever. Like I'm supposed to believe Ezri can command her way out of a paper bag.
But the worst. Oh, the worst. THEY'VE KILLED OFF JANEWAY. W.T.F. I DONT EVEN. Like, it was patently obvious that the Star Trek powers that be could never handle Janeway's character, but I'm really shocked that they just up and killed her off in the books. Janeway's supposed to become a kick-ass Admiral or diplomat, out there flying spaceships and taking names when she's not earthside for some Chakotay sexing. DUH.
I shouldn't be surprised when Star Trek is totally tone deaf and clueless about their characters, but somehow, I always am. Moral of the story: stick to fanfic.