Jan 18, 2011 15:09
Best Spike-centric Episode
Damn, there are so many good ones, but I think I'm gonna have to be unoriginal and go for "Fool For Love". It's one of my favorite episodes, period, and it's a brilliant piece of television. It accomplishes so much---filling out Spike's backstory while expanding his character, building the Spike/Buffy romance, advancing Buffy's arc, even pushing Riley's story further, combining romance and comedy and angst, and doing it all seamlessly. James Marsters totally owns the epiode, of course, giving us glimpses of William in Spike, and vice versa. I remember watching it the first time, thinking, of course Spike was an insecure bourgeouis poet! It makes so much sense. And the the scene where he fights Nikki is mesmerizing. It's everything I love about BTVS wrapped up in one episode.
WILLIAM: Oh, quickly! I'm the very spirit of vexation. What's another word for "gleaming"? It's a perfectly perfect word as many words go but the bother is nothing rhymes, you see.
30 days,