May 04, 2006 18:36
Been a while since I posted something, which is pretty lame considering I amassed a grand total of two updates before I completely forgot I had set this place up.
Part of the reason for this was due to trying to figure out what to use this journal for, as my life is not that interesting to say the least.
And having not come up with anything, promptly not updated at all.
I've now (somewhat tentatively) come to the decision to use this journal as a place to keep the various tat that I write, as a form of backup, rather than leaving all the useless ideas and stories I come up with in horrendously untidy and disorganised notebooks. I WILL try to keep this up, and hopefully post my thoughts and stuff I get up to in the meantime.
I am acutely aware that I am probably writing this to myself, as I doubt anyone will ever have any interest in what I do or who I am (can't you just smell the low self-esteem?), so I am officially now on the wrong end of the sane spectrum.