The weather - part 2

May 08, 2006 20:59

Well, the sky opened up today at last. Much as I'd love to make the most of warm weather, I can cope better when it's cooler. I love being inside when there's a sudden heavy downpour. Which comes in handy, as I'm inside the house for the vast majority of the time.

I've also come to the groundbreaking conclusion that a cat's life is for me. My cat was asleep on my bed virtually all day, I've only just now let her outside to do her business, and in an hour she'll be fed, go haywire (as per usual) for half an hour, and go to sleep again. Now that's what I call living.

It was my middle nephew's birthday today. I felt a real cheapskate for only getting him some chocolates as a present, but he's so difficult to buy for. Plus the lack of a job at the minute means I have no money. For anything. I have to think twice before I buy a paper for god's sake. This has to change soon.
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