Sep 05, 2011 02:49
[Oh my god.
Hilbert staring intensely at the screen. With a beer hat. So intensely...
... then he bursts into laughter, bumping his head on the desk as he jerks around happily. He groans, rubbing his head.]
Ge... geeeeeeEEEEZ! That huuuurt~
minor with a beer hat,
reputation is -110
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Well shine my shoes, partner! Ya'll're lookin' a little worse fer wear. More hosed than a Chocobo in a mud pit, if'n ya ask me!
Hold on, trying to process this.
Eye squinting.
Wait, wait...
Nope, he's not getting. Shaking his head in frustration.] Whaaaaat?
Don't you still understand proper english?
Stop talking like... [Swallows.] ... that.
Talkin' like what? 'f I stopped talkin', then I wouldn't keep ya from keelin' over somthin' fierce into a waterin' bin.
... I would what-a what over what into water?
Boy, you understandin' a word I say? If you're this bad off, might haveta come an' round you up myself.
Uuugh... [Lightly bumping his head on the desk. MAKE THE CONFUSION STOPPPP. He fumbles around, mumbling to himself:] Whe... where's the "non-weird talk" button this thiiiing?
Shoot, boy - why didn't ya just say so?
Maybe... that would be better...
[He was kinda already doing that.
But without the bed.
And his head on his desk. The most uncomfortable bed ever.]
Which is okay! Because he just spends about an hour searching, is all. Eventually, he'll come across Hilbert's place and lightly knock on the door still wearing that horribly ridiculous cowboy hat.]
Your butt sleepin' yet?
Turn right--oh, I led you off a cliff.
Honestly, Hilbert forgot he even agreed to this. He stood, walked to the door, leaned his head against, and stood there.
That is into he lightly knocks. He groans. Can't the door somehow open without making him move?
Too much work.
He eventually opens it, blinking slowly. Processing, processing...]
... Who are you?
I'm the man who's gonna fix all'a your problems!
[Without even an invitation, he strides right along in, taking in the boy's state. The smile turns to one of brief concern, but it's still there.]
Jeez, boy. Y'look more washed out than a moogle in the middle of July. What the heck happened?
He's not even what he just said.
Closing the door, he turns to give him a squinted look.
What is this blur talking to him?]
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