Hey Team!

Jan 04, 2008 15:48

I haven't posted on lj for(ever) a while now.

Wow, what a winter break, three weeks for Davis this year :)
The distance put between me and my closests friends during the school year shortens incredibly everytime we get together during the breaks. Speaking candidly, I enjoy my life the most during the breaks.

increasing drama
romantic acquaintances
sick love nature
rock band
decreasing inhibitions
the witching hour and beyond
mall rats
seasonal shopping
honesty at its best & conversing
phone conversations to bed
on and off attraction
unconscious realization in dreams
Will's sacrifice as Robert
City of Gold
inevitable regret and what ifs
beautiful new girls and old ones
pool sharking and easy & deep talks
broken ties restrung
resolutions and endings with new beginnings

hm... way too many things, but that's all I can really remember for now :)
Happy 2008! I'm going to be 21 in 3 months :(
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