Apr 06, 2005 09:16
Alright. I just (like 10 seconds ago kind of recent) got a crazy huge sense of euphoria... I'm not sure exactly what brought it on, but I got the crazy sweet feeling that my life is amazingly in order and taken care of. I can think of at least one huge reason to be very happy. :). 9 day! Out of double digits now :). But idk if it didn't hit me until just now, or...IDK. But I'm feeling amazing at the moment. I got a solid 5 hours of sleep last night (better that average recently) after a long walk outside talking with someone, unfortunately holding a cell phone instead of her hand. But it was the closest I could come. Maybe because I called her this morning when I got up as well? I have an idea! It might be because my accountability group up here got up at 7:40 and we prayed about the day. That could very well be it. I love those guys. Not in a gay way, just they are awesome. It might be because I decided that I'm not going to go to my english class today, because I don't like it, I wasn't going to do anything today, and a large majority of the people there get on my nerves. It's an honors course, so of course everyone there is ALWAYS right. Or at least they think they are. So when there is a difference in opinion, people try to disprove each other, and I just dislike anything like that. So I didn't go today. It feels good, lol. Especially since if I had gone to that class, I would not be feeling this way, I know it. So I finished my classes today at 9. And I feel great. I'm listening to some Casting Crowns, eating pizza rolls and drinking pink lemonade, how much better can life get? If it were 9 days from now, life would be freaking perfect. And it's been a while since I could say something like that, I think. I mean, life hasn't been anything to complain about, but it hasn't been this good for just about as long as I can remember. I love college, I love the guys in my accountability group, and I love being with that someone I'm terribly fond of. I can't wait for 9 days, but if they are all like this, I just might survive them.