Supernatural Recs: Awesome Long Gen fics with awesome OCs

Mar 26, 2008 15:47

No, don't cringe. These stories really do exist. People are writing some awesome stuff that creates original characters about whom you will really care.

A Foreign Country by
casspeach (~30k!) focuses on an amnesiac Dean and his relationship with the wonderful Sally, who finds Dean face down in the snow in Colorado. A wonderful AU that breaks off around the start of season 2, it explores the "what if " world where Dean doesn't know he's a hunter and makes a new life for himself. Not only is Sally awesome, there are a few other supporting characters in there that tug at the heart strings as well. Highly recommended.

No Fortress is So Strong by
kimonkey7 (very long) fucking blew me away, if you will pardon my language,  with the its all round brilliance, but in particularly with original character 'Lu. Je-SUS! I have never, ever read another story where I actually cared as much about the OC as I did Dean or Sam. Everything Kim writes is gold of course, but this one packs some serious punch. In addition to the lovely 'Lu, this story focuses on the brotherly bond between Sam and Dean and how they are dealing with Dean's impending deadline of doom.

recs: gen, recs: ocs, recs: long

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