A bird's eye view of Sydney. Actually a bit higher than a bird but you get my drift. Up dawn's crack this morning to the airport for a day trip to Coffs Harbour, an hour and a bit up the coast. It would probably be about 8 hours drive? The trip up was awful, rain and wind all the way.
The trip back was nicer. Luckily I had 2 seats to myself both ways, the seats in the little Dash 8 aren't built for large fellas. Silly, considering half the passengers fitted into the larger fella category.
The Hawkesbury River is the next big river north of Sydney, and forms a natural northern boundary for the city. You can just see the Pacific Highway crossing the river. It is 960km long and links Sydney and Brisvegas (also known as Brisbane). If not for the clouds you would see the wide mouth of the river. Oh...and the pictures are dark as it was just after 5pm.
At the bottom you can see the shadow of the plane on the clouds in its own circular rainbow. It was hard to line up as the plane was shaking alot.
Chatswood, a suburb of Sydney. Really is a little city in its own right with lots of tall buildings.
Approaching the Harbour. You can see the Bridge and Opera House in the top right corner. Flying over shi shi suburbs..you can tell by all the boats at mooring.
Bridge now on the left. A fair sized liner at dock. You can just see the tops of another large liner on the other side of the peninsula. Its that time of year for alot of cruise ships. The triangular concrete patch used to be where the imported cars were unloaded. It is supposed to be a big new liner terminal but people don't seem enthusiastic about it. The long dock where the liner is, is going to be redeveloped with housing, hotels parks and stuff. Possibly some of the natural shoreline may be restored. It is another controversial development.
Oh and finally..speaking of birds...a photo from yesterday. Its nice having a meeting with coffee and peacocks parading around the table.