Yes I mowed the knee-waist high grass. With my new toy which I have to say is a brute.
Why oh why don't they make these things for left handed people? The throttle control is on the left binnacle but its too heavy to balance with both hands on the handlebar and I have figured out how to use the harness (which I think is too small to go round my amply proportions anyway) so the motor needed to rest on my hip. 4 hours later and 4 litres of water later I finished and almost couldn't get up the back steps. Cramps (too much salt loss? emergency spoonfulls of vegemite), sunburn and I discovered my nipples were really tender. I think the vibrations were making my rings turn and turn without me realising it. Who would have expected a brushcutter to be a tool of tit torture?
Do I look hot and sweaty yet?
Despite the sunglasses, (and no hat, which is really unfogiveable, I usually venture out with a hat) even my eyelids are clearly sunburned. So must my ears, neck and crown be.I had a cold shower which is unusual, I like it HOT. Now I need someone to rub aloe vera all over me. Including the non burned bits. All offers seriously considered.