new to this : ]

Jul 11, 2007 21:51

i'm andrea. i'm not very good with computers so it has taken me a while to learn how to use LJ and i'm still learning : ]. The reason i joined LJ is because i first saw tennis fan fiction and i got addicted to it also i felt bad that i saved a person's icon and i didn't comment so that why i made this account. Also i had planed to write some tennis fan fiction of my own but it didn't work out since i can't get any ideas also i tried to make some icon but thats when i realized that i only know how to use three things in photoshop and i got very impatient with myself so i just gave up. Yes, i do admit i do give up on things but not on the things that are important to me. I don't even know if i'm supposed to write this here but i felt bad that i made a profile or whatever it's called and i haven't even posted anything up yet so i thought this would make it look more filled up. And if anyone is nice enough to help me with LJ, I will be very grateful as i think at this moment of me writing this i think i only have one friend and im apart of i think 3 communities but to be honest i'm so lost when it comes to LJ. Also if anyone wants to add me as a friend, i'll be so happy as my goal before this year ends is to work out how to use LJ and also to get something posted up that is worth reading. Thank you all for reading this, i hope it wasn't a waste of time also remember if you comment this say something nice or don't say anything at all!
andrea xoxo
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