Still Working On It

Jul 07, 2014 09:33

So I've been working on this book, You Can Draw in 30 Days by Mark Kistler, which has taken me more like 180 days, but I'm almost finished with it. My biggest challenge is finding a consistent drawing time each day. I've rearranged a few of my morning activities, so I hope to be drawing something everyday, even if it's only stick figures. The exercises in the Kistler book are good and very doable, starting with basic shapes - spheres, cubes and their variations - before going on to studies in perspective. Sometimes I take breaks from the book and just do my own thing, usually copying stuff I like (such as Hellboy). Only in the last part of the book does Kistler touch on drawing people. Then it's on to another book.

Here are a few drawings from the past weeks/months:

I kinda like these little Michelin-Men guys....

I'm watching you, tube patrol....

Don't go in there.... seriously....


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