A Review of Watson and Holmes: A Study in Black, a Bit of News, The NSO and Captain America

Apr 29, 2014 21:10

You can find my latest review of an excellent new take on an old favorite, Watson and Holmes over at Graphic Novel Universe, where I also share some pretty exciting news about The Comics Alternative Podcast.

I'll want to write more about these items also:

First, Cindy and I had a great time at the National Symphony Orchestra the other night listening to Sibelius Symphony No. 3, Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 and Aho's Clarinet Concerto featuring the NSO debut of Martin Fröst, an astounding Swedish clarinet player. This entire concert was just crazy good. We've gotta hear these guys more often. (And you should join us!)

Finally, on Sunday I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier with orangerful and maybedeadcat and thought it was really good, much better than I had expected.

More soon!

movies, comics, music, reviews, graphic novels

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