Nov 29, 2004 17:09
Hey wassup everyone haha i was talkin to hendrick and lyle and decided to combine the conversation knowing the two would argue! Success! lol and omg it was so funny! some of the shit they were sayin! I dunno whether i should feel bad for encouraging them or just laugh. Ive put like a quarter of the argument underneath so everyone can see lol Anyways Lisas bday party soon have a gud nite everyone if i dont c u
Lyle - pussy
Lyle - ur mom invited me
Andy - is hendrik getting jealous?
Hendrik - ur a fuckin liar bro. no one wud have invited u
Lyle - u realise that u are alone in this world
Hendrik - nicole can't stand you... she says she fucking hates u and u blend.
Lyle - no one like you aye
Hendrik - wat ur saying she invited u? bullshit
Lyle - how the fuk would u know
Hendrik - i will ask her.
Lyle - and who said it was her?
Hendrik - and if she says no i know ur lying. just trying 2 act kool again lank. but u know ur a fucking loser so shut up.who else wud have invited u? NO ONE!!!
Lyle - lol lookwhs talkin
Andy - this is funny! keep goin guys
Hendrik - he knows he wasnt invited so thats why hes not saying. bloody liar.
Lyle - huh wat? ur all pussy in person
Hendrik - who do u actualy hang wif away frm school lank?apart frm blending wif stuart.
Andy - :D
Lyle - hayden and andrew owned you
Hendrik - r u alright fool?
Lyle - u were in rage and u got owned
Hendrik - fuck bullshit. and ure a fucking lank that nobody likes.... end of story.
Andy - fuck this is funny
Lyle - u cant handle it hendik
Hendrik - lank that nobody likes, that invites himself and hangs out wif ppl that despize him
Lyle - look hes losing cotrol hes using the same mock. i dont have to prove myself to you HIV boy, all i know is that i can look myself in the mirror and tell myself i am happy
Hendrik - when ppl tell u 2 fuck-off, they are not joking. they mean it.
Andy - this is funny shit im putin this convo on lj
Hendrik - bro im very happy wif who i am. a very attractive young male who's genes did not make him look like the fucking sky-tower
Lyle - *cough splutter*
Hendrik - cough splutter on ur mum fool
Lyle - here we go with the mum jokes again
Hendrik - grow some balls lyle
Lyle - just coz ur mum ate yours
Andy - now ur both using mum jokes
Lyle - but mine are better
Andy - go keep goin
Hendrik - thats it not kool at all. talking bout my mum like that. look my mum is a very respectable woman. we don't eat each other out in my family. my last name does not have 'cock' in it
Lyle - that really hurts (not)
Hendrik - well ur fucking face will next time i see u
Lyle - um, no it wont coz ur a pussy
Hendrik - watever. just fuck off and go find some friends u can pay someone to be ur friend im sure.i can say whatever i want. this is a free country... a country where most ppl have friends. apart from ugly lanky dorks who are gay.
Lyle - im glad ur having fun andrew
Andy - very much so... please continue :D