(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 22:08

so i stil havent found out if i keep my job or not at best buy, but things dont look so good. 5 of us are scheduled (and only scheduled) friday 10-12. i mere 2 hour shift. i think the 5 of us find out if any of us are staying or not. what pisses me off is that theres one girl who was hired as seasonal like me who is a really horrible cashier and has poor customer service, and she has 20 hours a week which appears that her job is secure.

so i guess we will find out then.

in other news, im trying to do a couple things...go to the gym, and get my sleeping pattern closer to waht school requires...wish me luck it goes ok.

anyways, school starts up again next monday and im going to buy my books tmrw. they total around $400. damn.

o well, enjoy the little thing below this line, and peace out peeps.

[edit: THE WEBSITE BELOW IS SEXIST! or its just true that woman are worth more than men. i did the same surver but this time as a woman, and this is what im worth as a woman: I am worth $1,711,490.00 on HumanForSale.com but below is what i am worth as a man. damn woman and there attractive bobies, thats gotta be the extra 300k]

I am worth $1,402,290.00 on HumanForSale.com
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