another update from sac state.

Oct 15, 2004 09:38

using these computers makes me want to buy a dell. yeah, i COULD buy one for as little as around 600 for a decent (and much better my curent) pc.

so why am i updating you ask? boredom. i just finished (and left early) from my government class's midterm. we wrote an essay on the significance of the 14th amendment (guaranteeing civil liberties and civil rights by the states). yes it kicked ass. yes it was 2 pages one side. yes it took me only 30 mins and yes i was the first one done.


never thought id say that, but i did so well on that essay (and wrote it so fast) that i have thanks to give to my AP english teacher of senior year in HS.

so, im off soon to economics with Mr. Rosario...kind of a slow/boring/note-taking oriented class.

after that, philosophy 4 [critical thinking/argumentation (my fav class)] and then math with cool azn chica cathy. maybe il ask her out sometime...maybe.

ok after that i go home. il probably get some sleep, then something to eat with shawn. i also wanna try and go see "team america: world police" looks funny as fuck.

alright, i guess i better start the 10 minute walk to econ...sure college is great, but do classes have to be so far apart?
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