its funny, cause another quiz put me just ever so slightly to the right of moderate.
Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum? (United States) brought to you by
Quizilla decided to edit this entry and throw some political mumbo jumbo out there for everyone...
we watched a video in gov. called "hijacking catastrophie" it was a very interesting, and critical video about the bush administration. most of the stuff it addressed i had heard before from TV or michal moore's farenheight 9/11, but i liked this film a lot.
rather than have one figure head ramblo off a bunch of facts, this film used a plethora (had to use it) of interviews with intellectuals, authors, ex military service men and women, veterans and professors. so these strong opinions are back by some fact. and the video proof and quotations was astoundingly convincing.
now, before i start to sound like a bush hater and total sucker for this movie, i know both this film and MM's far. 9/11 have a one sided view and criticise the bush administration.
but it was alarming to see the "neo conervative" group of bush, cheney and wolfowits and the documents these men and collaborated on. the first outline of the national security plan written by wolfowitz in 1998 contained quotes from the book "shock and awe" outlining that a country must use premptive force to instill fear and dominace over another country...however, the dominate country must have a tool for convincing people its cause was just. well, according to both the book and the plan outlines by wolf. it would require a "catastrophe similar to the scale of pearl harbor." might say...woah. not only did all of that happen...but if we remember...what was the name of the premptive strike carried out..."shock and awe," long before "iraqi freedom."
its unfortunate millions are going to vote for bush without knowing the criticisms and the utterly and undeinable facts that prove the administration has fucked up...big time.
every reason the admin. gave for the invasion of iraq has been found out false. did we find weapons? no. did we find al quaeda links? no. did we find osama? no. was iraq harboring terrorists? no. does iraq have the second largest oil reserve outside of saudi arabia? yes. dose the pipline for oil crossing from iraq into afghanaistan have 4 US militay bases along the route? yes.
people who vote purely for party sicken me. these types of people dont deserve to vote. go read a new york times...dont listen to the news....please. make a decision by researching it.
and no, im not a huge kerry supporter...personally he wins my vote purely due to process of elimination. but alas...i doubt kerry is going to win, the bush admin is too damn good with the instilling of force and fear of the american people.
open your eyes people!