I HAVE PICTURE POSTING POWER!!! Yay! My dad lent me his 'backup' USB.. which I am NOT allowed to 'lose' or 'break' or 'do anything to'. BUT I CAN USE IT! So whoo, pics!
This month's edition of Andy's camera contains random shots from the last day of school, including some Sarah/Charli/Moose action! Also featuring the YABC Senior Company on performance night.
Andy's Camera - Prepare for super pics and most amusing captions!
First picture of the day, it's 8:10 in the morning and Ephie and Georgie are catching up on the 4 or so hours of lj chat they missed while they were sleeping. Both are very glad to be here on the last day of term. Really.
Andy demonstrates the coolness of the remote control feature. Look mum, no hands!!
Well, it is time for assembly. How excited are we?! Lily and Sian take a relaxing break.
Seriously girls. You will have to pay attention at SOME point, there's no getting out of it, y'know.
Andy relinquishes control! 0_o. Sian takes a picture! Lily, Rosie, Me, Bronnie. Bronnie: Ha! I am in the middle!
Go Fitchett!!!
Rosie takes a picture of Lily looking teh thoughtful. Hmmm. What could she be thinking. Sian wants to eat Lily. Yummm.
And from the other direction, ladies and gentlemen!
Aha, it is Caitlin, proud maker of the tree!Draco icon.. *giggle*
My my. Look away children. Mr. Griffiths with cleaning liquids is not something we want to see.
Ooh, a strawberry flavoured lollipop.
All right, that's enough. *slaps hand* stop distributing photos to the MooSharli shippers, Andy!
Charli is sad. The moose has left.
Hahahahaha. Apparently cameras terrify Annie. Will use this information in future. :P
And as a bonus, teh Sophie!
And now for something completely different.
This is the nightclub where the band rehearsed. Before you think: 'Ah, pretty blue building.. couldn't be that bad!', please note I didn't take any pictures of the inside... or the owner.
This is what happens when you suck a straight peice of candy cane around the shape of your teeth. Candy-cane-teeth-mould!
There were many pictures of us in the changing rooms on performance night, but this is the best one. From left to right: Petro, Louis, Olympia, Me, Josiah, Carla. Please ignore bad hair. Is all part of the costume, people. This is us preparing for the RENT number.
The cast on stage after the curtain went down, after being told we were 'physco'. What? They were right.
We persuaded Matt to get out of his little conducting hole and join us. Sorry about blurriness.. everyone was moving around and it was dark and.. yeah. You get the picture.
And finally, yesterday's party: My three boys. <3 I hope Josiah was standing on a chair or something, because I really don't remember him being THAT tall. Heh.
Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed that little extract. I'll be going to bed, now...