(no subject)

Nov 13, 2004 10:19

| Annoyed

*groan* 10:18. And I really, really, really don't feel like going to YABC today. Dance Assessment. Plus having to listen to the rest of the singing assessments. Plus Chorus Line. TORTURE. Tarryn LIKES Chorus Line. It makes me want to cry.

Anyway, since Georgie was pestering me I made these last week -


And most of the inspiration for those came from stuff that was in their profiles, like Mr. Gardiner, (soppy to the END) loves phoenixes, and Mr. Loughlin thinks both the best part about his job and the music school is that he gets a big office.

Anyway, French exam yesterday was on the relatively easy side, thank goodness. Bronwyn wrote a poem in the last half an hour ;D The best part was it was in the afternoon so I got to have a lay-in, hoorah! I'm going to study for science tomorrow... honest... maybe I will do some maths tonight, though I really don't need it. I'm seriously going to be aiming for 100% this time round - managed 96% last time, how hard can it be? She says, crossing her fingers firmly behind her back.

Alex is downstairs doing the ceiling of the kitchen. The granite worktops won't be here until monday, so until then we're stuck with washing up in the laundry, reusing dirty glasses and cutlery, and keeping all food in plastic boxes on the floor, covered up by a huge plastic sheet to protect it from paint. Also, the microwave on the floor in the lounge. I nearly burnt a whole through the carpet on Thursday... but at least it will pretty much be funtional by SATURDAY, when BARBARA AND PAUL ARE COMING FROM ENGLAND!!! I GET TO SEE MY FAMILY! YAAAAAY!

Also, anyone who's left me a comment somewhere and I haven't replied - sorry... I AM replying but my internet keeps dying out. If you've asked me a question you want answered and I haven't, just ask it in reply to this post. Thanks.

Caitlin, I loved your sporkage. Was very witty and amusing. Do more!

georgie, family, music, moving house, caitlin, icons, school, bronwyn, 2004, french, exams

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