(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 22:54

| Warm and Fuzzy

So, it's amazing I managed to go to any classes today. Really.

I did a whole rant to Ness in English about how we should do more creative writing, since she was the only one who would listen. She was also of the opposite opinion and as usual very hard to argue with, so I gave up, only to restart the rant with Liv in Geography - she was SO more understanding :D We agree that creative writing improves ones language skills in ways essays can't, and once you have the grammar knowledge and skills gained from creative writing it makes the language part of writing an essay SO MUCH EASIER.

Not that there's anything I can do about it.

Anyway. We are doing the best project in Geography ever. I get the feeling I'm going to spend all weekend on it and as a result do no revision 0_o..

In science we watched the yucky snake/bird video... was as gross as rumoured. Bleugh, snakes. *shiver*

Went up to the music school ten minutes before the end of science to recieve good news - I don't have to sing in the concert tomorrow!! EEE!!! ..I still think someone could have TOLD me though, sheesh.

Then we had madrigals, before which the three of us that had turned up got to listen to a free piano concert courtesy of Mr. Schmidt who didn't really seem to realise we were there. He was all surprised when he turned around. Yes. The Summer Echos Medley is... well, apart from Summer of 69 and Seasons in the Sun it's pretty much a collection of the corniest songs ever written.. but I am sticking because of seasons in the sun. IWANTTHESOLOPLZKTHX. Then I had a singing lesson :D

Maths was revision but I was only there for a half an hour so I ... played on my computer and didn't really learn anything. MWAH!

Came home, watched Buffy (which has been moved to 4:30 so I missed the first fifteen minutes - GRRR.) But it was the really good one where Willow turns into Warren. Anyone know the name..?

Then I watched the Nanny, went upstairs, downloaded some christmas midis and converted them into sheet music and tried to work out how I could wangle a duet for most of them. This kinda took a while.

Then I had a shower and my hair felt very heavy. When I got dressed I made these:

, which don't really inspire too much confidence in my master plan, but whatever. Oh, and while I was uploading those pictures, I found the snaps I'd taken of my make up after I got home after the play each night, so I manipped them a tiny bit and got these:

, which I thought were kinda cute if not terribly accurate. I'll see if I can get some stills from the vid Dad took, though I can't vouch for quality ;)

Anyway, if you haven't yet, make sure you fill in the questionnaire, here. I have to write the script tomorrow, so don't leave it till Friday morning, k? <33 to all, because I'm feeling fuzzy.


choir, performances, photos, tv, buffy, music, singing, science, school, 2004, theatre arts

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