| Cold
Before I reply to all the new items on my flist, I just want to point out how much more awful my day was compared to everyone else's.
First of all, my mum's grand decision for the last day off was to go to Phillip Island. This, you must admit, not the greatest thing to do on last day of short holiday.
There was a late start cos some kitchen people were here taking a last look around. This I dragged out as long as possible, but it didn't convice anyone to forgo the trip. Nope.
Secondly - I asked what I should take, but no one told me anything. Now I'm the first to admit that I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of Melbourne geography, let alone Australian. So Phillip Island could have been just across the road for all I knew. No one told me the journey would take three or so hours, or that I was allowed to take my computer 0_o. This I only found out after 10 minutes on the road when Alice calmly removed her laptop from her bag. She let me watch Friends with her (no, we haven't got anything new *seethe*) but her power died pretty quickly and I was pissed with pretty much everything.
-THEN, wonder of wonders, once we crossed the bridge, the weather showed its usual unoriginality in pouring with rain. We drove for about half an hour in the rain till we got to Cowes. There we had the most charming meal in the skankiest fish and chip shop you've ever seen. In the cold. And no one had any jumpers, or trousers or anything, as of course no one had thought to check the weather forecast before we left.
-Surprisingly (for my family) most of us felt like going home after this, but Alice convinced dad to drive us to the 'A Maze 'N Things' centre on the other side of the island, which actually wasn't bad as most of it was inside. I got whacked in the elbow in the sideways room thing but it was better than standing outside in the pouring rain.
-2 hours later, came home. This took about three hours.
-Six hours of my day wasted. Also, kinda feel a bit sick for no reason in particular.
In Icon-Making news:
I LOVE CARTOONS. The best thing about disney caps is that you hardly have to lighten/sharpen etc the images, because they're already such good colour quality. I've also been using very plain, large fonts. The small text and delicate brushes needed for Buffy or Angel caps look really out of place on a disney base. Also I get to play with paint bucket and background layers again!!! Such clumsy tools, not to be used in delicate graphics, are perfect for this kind of work. Been checking out some disney icon making communities - you can tell people have spent ages perfecting their disney style, just like I have with Buffy and Angel. I hope it doesn't take as long this time... ;) ALSO! I turned my computer on especially yesterday so I could get another photobucket account. So far it's working, it's just a lot smaller.
You also notice a lot of things while using these images. I find it amusing yet vaguely disturbing that Peter Pan has irisis, when Christopher Robin doesn't even have pupils ;)
..Scuse while I go thaw out...