There are so many questions and answers that somehow seem wrong..

Oct 01, 2004 09:43

| Lazy

So yesterday I spent most of the morning cutting large shapes out of newspaper and trying to fit them together to make a shark ray. Eventually I managed it, though I'm painfully away that newspaper is quite a different substance than soft fluffy material. So I have no idea what the final product will be like.

Then I spent the rest of the day going through all my icons, sharpening and brightening the images (something I've only just learned to do) and uploading them to my archive website. Unfortunately it seems it was all in vain, as Pagebuilder suddenly doesn't seem to want to let me upload any more pictures. This fucks everything up. Sometimes I don't know why I bother.

So today I'm going for my lenses check up, buying the material and coming back to attempt to make this model, which is going to end up more like a stuffed toy.

Also, I really should do something about this Giddy Goanna application. All I have to do is ring, get the monologue and make the tape before the 15th. But the auditions are in Sydney and Brisbane. So I don't know if I'll even be able to go, especially as they're at the end of november when YABC are performing.. oh bugger it. My horoscope said I was going to be faced with a life changing decision. I'll talk about it with my dad when he gets home.


Also, first ever icon award!!

icons, 2004, shopping, eyes

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