Reveiw of "Villians"

Dec 18, 2008 11:00

So I've been lazy this season and just watched the show, occasionally ranting about it to Zoe or Adam and even some other people at work. However, since watching the conclusion to the Volume last night, I feel the need for some more public reviewition.

First of all, what happened to Micah? We saw him for one episode. According to IMDB, Noah Grey-Cabey has done nothing else since 2006, so this was clearly a concious decision made by the writers. We haven't seen anything of Monica either, who I quite liked mainly because she's one of the few left whose powers are unique. Dana Dawson at least got a part in an episode of Pushing Daisies, in which she was awesome. Micah was always a nice break from the drama that is the rest of the show. Let's hope they are back for Volume 4.

Matt and Daphne are still pretty awesome, although too bad we have not seen much of Turtle lately :(. Sidenote: Seth Green, awesome no matter what show he's in. Can we have him come back?

Hiro had some good moments this season, but I think they took advantage of him a bit. They used him as a comic relief punching bag, dragging him to and fro with very little motivation. Without a doubt the best episode was "Our Father", where we saw him interact with his mother, first as a ten year old, then as himself, and his mother gives him 'the catalyst' (although this whole plot device was pretty contrived and corny). This touching and plot-evoking moment was hurriedly destroyed however, when Arthur took both the catalyst and Hiro's power, rendering the episode, in a similar manner to the "Eclipse" double-episode, pointless.

A lot of this season feels as if they just wanted to fill in some time without actually taking the characters anywhere. Similar to last season (although I forgive that because the writer's strike caused some rewriting of the plague arc that was planned), we are left at the end of this season not much further away from where we started, except that some new alliances are made, and Mohinder and Ando have powers. And by the way, what a crappy power Ando has. I feel sorry for him. Also this means that in the 'future' Hiro saw, Ando was not killing him but accelerating his power. I'm having trouble seeing how Hiro's power can be accelerated...

Also, they did the same thing here as they did with Linderman and even Maurey, build up a credible villian and then kill them off before they have time to do any real damage. Not that I liked Arthur, he was really annoying and honestly not that scary. But if they keep killing off the villians, they'll just have to make one of the current characters evil, and they picked Nathan. For a character who is supposed to be strong, confident and self-assured, he sure is fickle.

Peter hasn't really gone anywhere either, even though he lost all his powers. Not sure what's happening with him now - can he only fly or does he have his original ability back?

Tracey is annoying. Let's hope Barbara shows up and kicks her ass.

I almost forgot about Claire. Maybe that's because I really don't care about her anymore. She's constantly got this 'I'm-so-tortured' expression on her face that's starting to bug me - I can't remember the last time we saw her smile, which is kind of what I liked about her in the beginning, that she was troubled but could still have fun. I think that's the fault of this season having WAY too much drama and not enough character development. I will say that I really liked getting to see young-Sandra with baby Claire. It was pretty clever effects as well as nice story detail.

Sylar. Oh Sylar. We have seen so many sides of you this season. Too bad you went back to how you were at the start, and then 'died'. We know you haven't really died, by the way, that's not fooling anyone. Am I the only one who quite liked good!Sylar? I like bad Sylar too, but he's less credible with Good!Sylar now in his past. Also I can't believe he killed Elle! On the other hand I can't believe she lasted two whole seasons. Oh, the ignomany.

As for the start of Volume 4: "Fugitives", less said the better. I can only hope that there will be LESS overall plot-drama, and more of an episode-by-episode character building with OCCASIONAL drama. I mean, I've been one of Heroes' biggest defenders for a while now, even up to before 'Our Father', but there's a limit to my patience people.

2008, heroes, tv, rants

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