Update From Beyond the Chair

Oct 06, 2007 20:48

So I went to the dentist today for my first ever fillings, and really it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The injection didn't even hurt because he used an antiseptic gel first. The fillings themselves took a long time - my mum was worried about where I'd gone! Also he told me that the sharp/hollowness I was feeling at the back of my mouth was where a peice of one of my wisdom teeth has broken off. Luckily I don't have to get that permenantly filled since I'm having all of those out in 3 weeks or so.

I am not at all nervous yet about the surgery. I was more nervous about the fillings. Isn't that weird?

In other news... hmm. Spacelab Puppet Mark 1 is a bit of a failure. Too bulky. I'm going to start a Puppet Mark 2, which had better be good because I only have three weeks left. Three weeks of uni, two chapel services, nine more lectures, nine more tutes. Whee!

I'm still in the process of tagging my journal. I'm getting closer (about halfway through 2006) but I'll let you know when it's finished.

Our theatre studies performance is so far based on The Creation, which is interesting, especially since it was more or less my idea. Having to do a group performance with minimal supervision is a bit new and scary, but not as new and annoying as having to write an exhibition review with no guidelines whatsoever.

If anyone knows of any good art exhibitions on in the next week or so, please let me know.

I need new icons again.

theatre studies, 2007, icons, illness, university, art, visual media, teeth

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