Jan 05, 2007 08:55
I got a 41, which is three points higher than my best case scenario.
Still not entirely sure how that happened.
Well, I guess I can work it out. I got 6 in Theatre, History and Biol, all of which I had banked on getting 5s in. HISTORY AND BIOL. Heck, HISTORY.
There are four minutes until the ENTER scores come out, so I guess I'll hang around and ramble.
Apparently revising works. Either that or I somehow magically got 50% smarter right before the exams, or something. A B in EE - some people who got this are highly disappointed, but I say hey, it's better than a C - and a B in TOK (it's amazing what you can get by just pulling crap out of your arse, isn't it?) In short, I am pleased. I would have been happy with anything 95.00 or over, since that pretty much guarantees me of getting into Melbourne, but come on.
Right, it's officially 9am - I wonder how accurate that website is...
Nope, isn't up there yet. I have a driving lesson at 1 and the HP test at 2. .. Has anyone else done this yet? *is worried*
extended essay,