New Journal

Sep 02, 2006 15:16

*Dies, having left the same message on everyone's journals*

Well, I warned you lot I would do it, and I have. New journal! *strokes* is pretteh... I feel much less cliched, now. Thank you Georgie!

Resolutions for new journal:

1. I will fill in all the spaces, including subject lines, mood and music and tag boxes when posting.
2. I will keep my flist under control and not add myself to random communities and then never read them again.
3. I will try to post less about theatre.


We found out why Misha kept barking and jumping up at the lemon tree. There was a nest with three baby birds in it. I was so scared she would get her paws on them, and Dad put the nest in a bucket and took it to the reserve next door. One of them fell out and I had to run after it - for something that can't fly it could run pretty damn fast. I hope the parents can find them.

ETA: I just went to take photos - and the bebbies have been found! Yay!

misha, dad, photos, 2006, computer/lj

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