I keep the most absolute CRAP.

Nov 30, 2005 00:15



Took ALL DAY. And I decided that the easiest way to get rid of a bunch of stuff was to take lots of pictures :D Warning: I mean a LOT.

I had to throw Puppet!Gandalf. Poor man.

He also has a present for anyone who wants a GCSE French revision book. I don't know how useful it would be for VCE but I've never used it and it would be a waste to throw it away.

Had to lose a lot of 'artwork', or rather 'Crap I Made When I Was Ten'..


Yeah, I used to have this program where you loaded a picture of yourself and did make up and stuff... I preferred to use it to make cool faces :D




A parrot.

Some turtles.

Peking duck! Get it?

This took me 3 days and the back of it was signed by the Headmaster. And now it's gone. *sigh*

Picture of Candice!

23 French Essays. TWENTY-THREE. From two years ago. Sheesh.

Photos too, yep, all got the cut. I kept some of them though, because I'm a total sucker for things like that.

A PILE OF SNOW. After at least FOUR clean outs, I still have this picture. 0_0

Despite the fact it's not my cat, I always liked this one. *sigh*

This one, I didn't throw away. Look how cute!

A passport that expired in 2003... I also had Alice's for some reason.

Size of the class did not change much from 1999-2000, obviously.

The Anne Frank Collection

I have way too many pictures of Misha with star. Imagine if you wore that home.

This is pretty cool if you can see it sans blur.

You would not believe the random crap that I keep...

How pathetic is that?

That's my timetable from third year.

Letter from Charli ;D Actually kind of amusing.

All my Redwall cards :D I'm such a nerd! I didn't even throw these away. I was going to, but I couldn't. I decided they could be the one stupid thing I was allowed to keep :D

Disneyworld autograph book.


Look at the badges!


This is the worst one. This peice of rope was found in a puddle in Czesky Krumlov and has been in three houses and travelled on two planes. What can I say?

Whiteboard cleaner + Paper + Jingly thing = NOTGOOD.


I really hope it was that colour to begin with.

But now look at the pretty!

australia, photos, holidays, england, anne frank, timetables, czech republic, 2005, art

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