Everyone remembers the 'faked-orgasm-in-a-deli'
sequence from your kind of movie When Harry Met
Sally. It seems that you're falling for a buddy
or have already fallen for them. Uh-oh. You're
probably caught between the possibility of
having a great relationship and wrecking the
one you have now. You know what they say, it's
better to regret something you did than
something you didn't do.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life? brought to you by
Quizilla Zero
Which character from The Nightmare Before Christmas are you? brought to you by
Quizilla D:
size="2">You take the Path of
Least Resistance.
Why make things hard for yourself? You are a
go-with-flow sort of person and
little gets to you. Why? Because it's all good,
right? They say the path of
least resistance is a straight line and that's
where you go, ever forward and
never looking back. It's good to keep the past
behind you, a quality far too
little people have these days. You know the past is
the past, but don't let
yourself forget it. You can't learn from your
mistakes if you don't remember
them. You're probably loved for your laid-back
frame of mind and easy-going
qualities , but you tend take the easy way out in
life and verge on lazy. Great
character is found through great challenges. You
most likely have the abilities
in you to succeed and over-come what life throws at
you. You just got get up and
face that challenge. You tend to lose your head in
bad situations because you
aren't used to them. And by the time you've found
the easiest way to master a
problem, you could've already taken care of it. Bad
things happen, difficult
situations come up, that's life. What matters is
that you rise to face those
challenges and you can do it. Never lose your
laid-back qualities as they will
help you greatly. Just step onto that hard road
every once in awhile and you'll
discover that with each stretch it becomes easier
and easier to over-come life's
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X] brought to you by