Fucking Kick-Ass Weekend!!!!

Apr 16, 2007 19:46

OMG OMG OMG OMG, this weekend was so awesome. First, I went to classes and went back to my room cause I had time to kill. I put on American Idiot and dozed off to it. That was the best 57 minutes and 16 seconds of my life. Then I watched "The Dukes Of Hazard" for a little while for reasons unknown to me. It was retarded. Anyway, I went down to Franklin DC to eat before I went to the bus stop. Then, MARY BETH!!!! It was awesome to see her and I was so happy. We walked to Ryan and Curtis's room and then things turned messy. MAry Beth threw water at me, then covered the floor with peanuts. Then I threw water on Mary Beth and hurt her, oops. We then played assorted card games and watched the Red Sox game. Then Monoply occurred. I was Mary Beth's teammate/Banker. People were pissing and shitting all over the place cause I sucked at banker. We then watched Mrs. Garrison scissor Xerxes 0_0. After that, people went home.

I woke up and headed to Ryan and Curtis's room. We played frisbee and Curtis got dirty. Mary Beth and Ashley then joined us and we chilled. We then went to dinner. Mary Beth was eating matzoh with peanut butter and jelly. I said something and Mary Beth walked over to me and pretended to push it into my face, then she smashed it into Curtis's face, lmao. He then got some in her hair. Curtis got peanut butter and jelly all on his shirt, in his hood, and on his hat. Second shirt he got dirty that day. From there we went to my room. Curtis wanted to fill one of my barrels with water and put it on top of my door so Mary Beth would get soaked when she came into the room. If it wasn't my room, I would've let it happen. Anyway, there was ping pong and cards. After, people headed home.

The next day, I woke up and saw some snow had fallen. I was pissed. I started to work on my paper and then went to lunch with Mary Beth, Ashley, and Ryan. Me and Mary Beth got hot chocolate. We wanted to put whipped cream in it but there was none. So instead, we put vanilla ice cream in it, followed my M&M's and white chocolate chips. Then we got pop corn. We went to Ryan and Curtis's room. Then, the fun started. Mary Beth and Ashley went to the bathroom. A little while later, Ashley came running in, got her coat, and slammed the door all pissed. Us three guys just dismissed it. Then, Mary Beth came in sobbing cause her and Ashley got into a big fight. She explained it to us and then went to the bathroom. She came back, followed by Ashley, who yelled at Mary Beth, who was still crying. Then, they revealed that it was a big old trick. I was in on it, of course. I almost gave it away by laughing when me and Mary Beth made eye contact before Ashley came in to yell. I knew it was a joke, but it definitely could've been real. When Mary Beth was crying, I got the chills (I've said that like, 12 times). Then we ordered Wings, watched random movies on TV, played hangman, talked about James Bond and Indiana Jones, competed in Jeopardy (Team Ryandrew won), answered trivia questions on stuff, and watched some Faimly Guy. I am so happy that that show exists. Then people left.

Oh yeah, I lost the little button that was on the top of my Red Sox hat. I was legitimately upset.

I'm so happy Mary Beth came to visit. It was definitely the best and funnest weekend at UMass this semester, by far. I can't wait to go home this weekend to see Guster with Ashley, Ryan, and Lucia. Same crew that went to see them last summer on August 12th. Two weeks after that, it's back home to see my sister in the talent show and to do the Walk For Hungahhhh!!!! Then only two and a half weeks until I come home for the summer. Summer is gonna kick so much ass. I'm gonna personally make sure that this summer is gonna one-up last summer in every aspect. Every single aspect.


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