Oct 03, 2004 21:30
ok lets start w/ friday jim had a really funny improve where he said " you.... are valueless" it rocked and after school i jumped in the air and ninja kicked him that rocked he rox 2 waaay funny
that evening bridget and nikki came over and there was some major fun there we watched mean girls and did other stuff
saturday was stupid tide but it was ok and then i got home and went over 2 a super cute boi named lloyds house that rocked 2
sunday is 2day and all i did was stupid tide im glad its over... 2day was ok tho im getting pretty good at fencing :D
this week is spirit week as im sure u know and homecoming is saturday alriiight
this was a super busy weekend and im super tired so that was a very vague tale of what happened.... fill in the blanks urself... nothing dirty
P.S. i dont see any comments yet.... i might have 2 go on hiatus again...