when theres no adult in the car, you can say fuck as many times as you want.-michael

Apr 14, 2005 20:18

this week is like..__long and short at the same time.
i can't explain it. i like it and i hate it.
okay so..today..i had driver's ed. jeremy was taking his road test.
and ben was sick. so mike and i drove around.
i fucking parallel parked !!!
jer met us at theory..i called him to tell him to
1) bring us food
2) congradulate him
3) ignore speed limits; we were hungry.
so he got there brought us cookies.
and we went inside and got our seats
and john came wearing a boys night out hoodie.
then it started...and he, michael, jer and me
made fun of the girls who are fucking retarded.
-i think they were dropped as babies. (john)
-no, they probably threw themselves. ( me )
then jer drove to burger king and michael and i got food.
ps-i called shot gun.
(thats really unimportant.
but i felt really cool.
which is all that fucking matters)
but after school....before driver's ed..
i saw mr.mach in the hallway standing the way he always stands.
so i walked over and mimicked him and then we talked a little.
hes thirty one. i'm seventeen. i hate that.
speaking of extensives of lengths i hate..
especially ones dealing with distance..
umm kyle charles ? kbird kbear killis waterpaint kpie ramen noodle
(theres like three thousand more)
i miss you.
the end.
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