Not to spoil the good vibe of my last post in regards to driving, but I had a rather nauseating experience, on my trip back from Elizabethtown* this past weekend.
Out of respect for automotive enthusiasts everywhere, I will acknowledge that fair weather is a perfectly good reason to take one's sports car of choice out for a spin, regardless of make, model or otherwise.
However, those damn Pus-stang owners have managed to amaze me with their idiocy, yet again.
First, a young fellow in a mid-'90s model rolls up alongside me on the highway sporting not dice or some other novelty hanging from his rearview, but...wait for it...a maple leaf air freshener. That'll sure strike fear in the hearts of guys like myself, eh?
Later on in the same drive, a late model convertible pulls onto the same highway behind me and immediately rushes to catch up to my rear bumper. Not content to remain there, the driver slips alongside me to give me a better look at his GT; his V6 GT.
Surely, these two observations beg the question: does Ford deliberately market their pony car to guys with their head up their @$$ or is it just an economic coincidence that these characters are in the market for an equally trashy and [quite literally] toothless automobile?
Please excuse my empty rhetoric. Pigs will surely fly before I understand such nonsense.
*The boys had their first home invite together, so I took the chance to drive down to catch their races.