Coming Late July/Early August (I read both..)!
Trivial Pursuit The Beatles will feature 2,592 questions across six categories: history, songs, albums and singles, movies, America and solo. They will be evenly split over three difficulty levels.
An especially-designed game board features photography of the group, and a unique die features The Beatles' logo and other icons. The game board will have four special zones:
- Come Together Zone: should a player lands on a wedge area, anyone also in this area can enter a showdown with the player. The first person to answer correctly wins the wedge.
- Get Back Zone: a player can move another to any other space on the board to hinder their progress.
- All You Need Is Love Zone: should a player land here, he or she can choose an easy-grade question no matter what the die gives them.
- Ticket To Ride Zone: players can take a free wedge of their choosing.
I hope there isn't a plethora of literally trivial questions. I hate those "how many song have the word ___ in it?" type questions. "well leme just sit here and count for a while..."