Title: Will My Arms Be Strong Enough? 27/45
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys...and others!
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Rhys, John Hart, two OC's, Andrea (Andie) Carlowe and Nick Jones.
Spoilers: Set after Exit Wounds.
Summary: Alison's memorial takes place.
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Comments 4
And after all the fluff of late, this was a tough one. Poor Nick, what a situation to be in! But Ianto and John are right - he can't tell Allison's family what really happened, would cause way too much heartache and trouble.
Loved seeing the memorial service through John's eyes (then again, you know me - anything to do with Cptn John Hart and I'm happy, lol). But, really, it made for a great writing style.
And am looking forward to the Monster-in-law, mwahahaha!!!
*hugs* Nix
Great update and viewpoint!
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