Nov 17, 2004 18:32
Its been a long day, i didnt get any sleep last night, i wuz a little distracted/ distressed. I played guitar and wrote till at least 2, then even when i tried to go to sleep it didnt work. O well life goes on i guess. Not everything will go your way, some times it seems like nothing goes my way tho, i guess thats the way im suppose to live my life, im the guy that everybody "loves" but nobody loves. its always been this way and im begining to think that it will always be this way, o well how can you miss something youve never had? I dont know but i do. Over time ive put more stock in that stupid cliche nice guys finish last its stupid and...clicheical? but true none the less, i wish i oculd just be the guy the girls fall for instead im the guy who gives advice when your having relationship trouble im the one who is always there but gets nothing in return, not that im gonna stop being this way, its who i am, but just once i wish it would pay off.
why cant that one time be now
im sorry if you have no idea what im talking about but my guess is you could probably figure it out