Normally I hate this shit, but since it's the New Year and all, might as well have a little end of the year survey? Ok.
1. who was the first person you talked to in 2007?
Very first - Zoe. Seconds later - Emily/Katy/Chiko/Steven/etc.
2. who was the last person you talked to in 2006?
Probably same as the first question.
3. who were you with when the clock struck 12?
Zoe, Emily, Katy, Steven, Chiko, Dave South, Sagar, Gerad, a bunch of others at Kayt's house.
4. what was urr first thoughts or words in 2007?
When the clock hit midnight Zoe asked me to "officially" be her boyfriend, and I thought "sure"
5. what kind of mood were you in?
Stoked on the Zoe thing, but kind of wishing I was somewhere else (with my friends, of course, just not at Kayt's)
6. what did you like most about 2006?
OC Weekly called it "The Year of Living Pointlessly", and I enjoyed living pointlessly. moved back home, got a new car, met a girl i'm pumped on, living off my savings jobless for almost a year or something, etc.
7. what are you looking forward to in 2007?
Traveling, getting organized, done living pointlessly.
8. do you have any new years resolutions?
-I'd like to lose 15 pounds, which means no more snacking on gelato at work. Today was my first day back at work though, and I ate gelato just as I always have. We got a new flavor though! I had to try it.
-Ride my bike as often as i used to. This'll aid me in the accomplishment of my first resolution.
-Get a job that pays.
-Stay with Zoe.
10. did you say i love you or give a new years kiss?
Yup, kissed zoe after she asked me to be her "official" boyfriend. 3 times. On the lips.
13. where were you when it struck 12?
Kayt's house. The theme was "Party Like It's 1899" so we all had felt moustaches affixed with spirit gum. Normally i enjoy themes, but this one was kind of a bust.
14. who was urr last myspace comment from in 2006?
Jasmine Alamari, which is odd because I haven't talked to her in forever. Before that it was Bryan and Zoe. The last person who viewed my profile was somebody who google image searched "Fuckin Freak" and clicked my picture. There's a picture of me in my underwear that's the first real result when you google "Fuckin Freak" on google images, and it's been getting me tons of hits. Unsure of how I feel on that one.
15. who was urr first myspace comment from in 2007?
None yet, but according to my tracker,
this dude, "Baby Phat" was the first person to view my profile. After that it was Shota, another person I haven't talked to in forever.
16. what was urr favorite memory in december?
The weather finally getting a little colder. The Limp Wrist show was really fun (with Jump Off A Building, Knife Fight, Broken Needle, Mugre)
17. did you like 2006?
Just like every other year, it had it's ups and downs. Overall I'm very content.
19. did you have any relationships last longer than 3 months in 2006?
Maybe? I started seeing Zoe around the end of August/beginning of September? Which means we were "dating" for around 4 months, but just became official on NYE.
20. in 2007, are you going to be a better person or the same one?
I'd like to say better, but honestly - probably close to the same.
21. are you excited for whats going to happen in 2007?
Of course.
22. do you know what you want to be when u grow up?
No, although I have more and more interest in biology/science.
23. what were you doing at 11:50 pm on Dec 31 in 2006.?
Participating in false countdowns, eating Limon chips, drinking Cluny&Coke, socializing.
24. what was urr reaction during the countdown?
The real countdown wasn't nearly as good as the false countdowns. The real countdown went too fast!! I realized that when we all shout "10!..9!...8!..7!.." etc, our perception of how long a second is, is WAY off.