WIP meme

Feb 04, 2012 21:12

cos that's what's happening, apparently. of course, these aren't all of mine, just the ones that i'm considering finishing before the end of february. which means: you might see like two of them finished. still. onward. 
Post the first sentence (or three)/a random fucking excerpt from every WIP you're currently working on, even if it's very short.

  • Hana's seen Ben Hargrove before. He lived two blocks over, with large dark eyes and a small mouth and beautiful, dark hair. She's studied genetics - her kids won't be blonde like she is. (Delirium, in which I write pointlessly about Hana and minor characters) 
  • Aphrodite looks up from buffing her nails. "It's really not - you know Percy, this death angle really adds another layer to your relationship. All the greats had tragedy - Romeo and Juliet, Helen and Paris, Eduardo and Mark... People will write songs about you. Maybe even a movie." (PJO, in which I write about Orpheus and Eurydice and shamelessly indulge myself)
  • It's somewhere between 1919 and 1925 and a shadowhunter named Lovelace has saved the world with a Morgenstern and a Malachi. (Shadowhunter!verse, in which I ship Tessa/Simon)
  • Dominique takes them to the beach, somewhere in the week between Teddy breaking off the engagement and the time they go back to school for Lou's 7th year - Claudia Nott will be his Astronomy teacher and her will remember the crush he had on her back when she was the only girl blonde enough to rival Victoire Weasely and he was Vic's younger brother; the one who had the ink stains on his fingers and the hair somewhere between silver and gold and always hit his head on doorways. (Next Gen!Harry Potter, in which there is no plot but I get to write about family dynamics, so.) 
  • She wore a yellow dress to her reapings. (And then she cried when she was reaped and then she cried when she was reaped and the black charcoal she'd applied to her eyelids stained it, so she could never wear it again, even if she wanted to, even if she needed to - because that's the thing about being a victor, they'll give you all the dresses you want.) (Hunger Games, in which I spend a lot of time thinking about the District 6 victors.) 
  • "Because I can, Rose," he's said, throwing back firewhiskey and shooting glances at Albus, over in the corner, his face buried in Scorpius's collarbone, "don't fucking flatter yourself. I'm always up for a party. (Next Gen!Harry Potter, in which James II and Rose Weasely deal with their relationship. Also, Paris.) 
  • In short, it's all the things Norge can live without - because his toothbrush is still in the bathroon sink and there's a coffee mug decorated with hand-painted, phallic-shaped flowers on the counter and Norge is asleep on the floor, wearing his favorite sweater. (Hetalia, in which I write an AU about people running away, because yes.) 

meme, harry potter, hetalia, hunger games, fic, pjo, shadowhunter!verse

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