things i am going to attempt to accomplish before christmas/christmas break is over (also, an update on my life):
- wrapping presents. right. that will happen. and i've even done one already. but actually, that was putting something in the exact same bag and tissue paper that i got for an early christmas present so i'm really debating if it counts, but adsdjfkl. don't care.
- extra credit. still haven't started on that. damnit.
- cleaning my room.
- writing. specifically - those two pjo things that i started forever ago and promised liz i'd finish/that other harry potter thing that i really just need to edit.
- um. still need to buy a white elephant gift thing for that thing tomm.
- possibly stop procrastinating but that's just the new years resolution i make every year so that one doesn't count.
merry christmas/happy holidays to everyone!