Sep 01, 2011 12:44
I had a pretty good day on Monday. Then yesterday was SUPER FRUSTRATING. Today is shaping up to be the same.
Do not particularly want.
It's sort of my own fault for going too late in the day yesterday to try and renew my license, so I had to wait at the DMV for aaaaaaaages. But it's not my fault for never getting the thing in the mail to renew, so I had to wait 40 minutes just to get the camera card and pay for it. It's also not my fault that the flusher thing broke in our toilet tank so I had to wait for the landlord to send someone to fix it and he showed up later than they said he would, which is why I ended up at the DMV later than I wanted to.
It IS my fault for not doing laundry so I don't have clean workout clothes to wear to the gym today, though. I already wore dirty things there yesterday, so I really can't wear them a third time because they are too stinky.
There's other frustrating stuff, but I really don't want a whole entry full of negativity right now. Just generally SO SICK of holding patterns and stagnation. At least there's sort of a light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes I wonder if I'm in the right tunnel.