
Sep 02, 2009 23:32

I have somewhere to li-ive. I have somewhere to li-ive!

Okay, it's in halls of residence. Okay, it's a pokey little room with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities... But it's away from home and it will be my own little space with no family members breathing down the back of my neck and it's in the coolest part of London ever.

I'm so happy!

I didn't think I was going to get it, to be honest. Firstly, I don't live that far away from the uni. I mean, it would be an expensive and tedious commute every day if I was living at home, but it would be possible. And secondly, I sent my application for accomodation in really, really late. And by late, I mean over a month later than the deadline. To be fair, I did have a reason, given what else was going on at the time. I maybe played on that a little when I was on the phone to the university and Student Finance, with the result that I now have somewhere to live and have been promised that Student Finance will do their very best to get me re-means tested very quickly so that I have money to start uni with.

Given that a month ago things were so messy that I thought I'd have to decline my place and try again next year, things have come together surprisingly well. Yay :D

Now all I have to do is get all the things that I will need, including a new laptop (mine finally died a death a little while ago; now it won't actually turn on), bedding, some cutlery and glasses and such, stationary and whatever else I might need, then work out what clothes I will be taking, pack everything and be ready to move in 24 days, without the help of ether of my brothers who will both be on holiday when I move in.

Easy peasy :)

uni, happiness

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