Oh, man. I just finished reading
this book this morning, and despite my reservations about the premise, I thought it was pretty good. The ending wasn't the best and kind of stretched credibility to breaking point, but I'd enjoyed the rest of it enough that I didn't mind. However, I think I must've got a little too emotionally invested because when the author sank, nay torpedoed, my ship with about 30 pages to go, I was seriously distressed. Note to self: get out more.
In other news, earlier this week I finally achieved the moment I've been building towards in my nearly three years as a professional writer: someone famous actually recognised me from a previous interview and stopped me to have a chat. I'd seen this happen to other people, but it had never happened to me, and I was starting to think that it never would. I was at a screening for new ITV drama Marchlands and had to sneak out after the first press conference because I had a one-to-one interview scheduled with one of the cast members afterwards; as I was creeping out of the rear door of the screening room, I realised that the person in front of me also making a quiet exit was actress Jodie Whittaker, who I'd previously interviewed for this show, where she'd already said "I know you, don't I?" because I'd interviewed her for a few other things. This time, she recognised me from halfway across the room and went "Hello! How are you?" and actually stopped me once we got outside to ask me if I'd enjoyed the screening (I had), how I'd been (very well, thank you) and what I was doing next (an interview, then back to the office). And then at the end, she said "nice to see you again!" and pretty much landed herself a permanent place at #1 on my list of Nicest Famous People I've Ever Met.
Also this week: I have been listening to 'Party In The USA' on a loop, like, THANKS FOR THE EARWORM, AMERICAN IDOL.