I can't quite decide if shooting Chuck Bass in the red light district in Prague is a genuinely cool cliffhanger or a shark jump of epic proportion. I guess there's no reason it can't be both.
Indecision over the closing moments aside, I rather enjoyed the finale. While there seemed to be a lot of mood whiplash between slightly silly scenes (Eleanor's terrifying obsession with Dorota's baby) and the much darker ones (almost anything involving Jenny and/or Chuck), at least there was no shortage of drama this time around, and I think they really got the important scenes right. The scene where Chuck and Jenny slept together was exactly as it should be - gross. It absolutely reeked of self-loathing on the parts of both characters, and I thought Taylor Momsen did a great job capturing Jenny's deep regret afterwards. The scene in the chapel with Eric was just great, and as a character, Jenny just seemed so broken after that - like she finally realised that everything she's done this year had led her to this point, and that she no longer recognises who she's become.
Even better, we got the payoff in the same episode - rather than sitting on Chuck's Big Secret for ten episodes or whatever, Blair finds out about ten minutes later, and it's all over between Chuck and Blair once again, and for rather more convincing reasons this time, I thought. Again, the cast did a great job with that scene, and I loved that it was a way to get most of the main cast in a scene together, which happens so rarely.
And Georgina. Ahhh, Georgina. It's clearly not Dan's baby in any way, shape or form, but man am I going to enjoy the plotline next year. I know it makes me a deeply awful person but I hope that she is at least actually pregnant, because I think there is SO much mileage in the Georgina-plus-baby thing.
All in all, it was a good end. Jacob over on TWoP said it felt like a mission statement for next year, and I really hope he's right. It's probably going to be their last year, because the viewing figures have only gone above two million once in the second half of the season, and that's just embarrassing however much you try to spin the demographics. However, if we're compiling a wish list for season four, I would like:
- A guarantee that Dan/Serena will categorically not be happening
- The return of Nate's bangs
- Georgina to stick around for an extended period
- More Eric
- More inter-cast interaction
- A general reduction in daddy-issue themed plotlines
- Chuck to get a storyline that gives him more interaction with the group (see above)
- The continued presence of Nate's excellent collection of plaid shirts
- Dan to wear garments that cover his chest hair (nb. I am not anti-chest hair, but Dan's is just odd)
- A pony