- Amongst other things, Chris bought me Nigella Christmas, Super Smash Bros Brawl, seasons one and two of The Office (superior US remake, naturally) on DVD and the High School Musical 3 soundtrack for Christmas. Best boyfriend ever: I has him.
- We had snow this morning! Unfortunately I took too long getting up and most of it had melted by the time I went outside. :(
- Now that I have given up watching Hollyoaks, I am clearing out the rest of the stuff on my PVR at an impressive rate. I currently have 48.6% free space on there, which is good considering I was down to about 20% shortly before Christmas. Am aiming for 50% by the end of tonight. Am still watching shows from April 2008, however, which is slightly embarrassing. Still, at least I watched the end of Skins series two in time for series three to start.
- Am definitely going to start trying to get some writing done this week. Hell, if Stephenie Mayer can make millions out of her teenage wank fantasies, I see no reason why I should not do the same.
- Speaking of which, Chris and I are going to see Sparkly Vampire Adventures on Wednesday. If epic lulz are not had, I will be very disappointed.
- Have almost finished the final case of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All.
I knew that Matt Engarde was going to turn out to be evil, but hell if it wasn't AWESOME when it happened. This is possibly my favourite case of the entire series so far. I like that it's hard, but not impossible, and now that I seem to have got my brain working along the same lines as the game, I'm hoping to finish it without too much trouble, though will obviously have to get the Bad Ending at some point, on purpose if necessary. And the amount of HoYay in this case is utterly ridiculous - along with the obligatory Phoenix/Edgeworth, there's also Adrian/Celeste and Matt/Juan, like, ALL OVER THE PLACE. Loves it.