Oct 21, 2005 23:27
the nightmares x was pretty awesome. i love laughing and hearing people scream. i was way mad they didn't sell the teddy bears. even though in the video two girls were holding them. that was crazy. i got home, did homework, went to bed around 12:00?12;30. then my phone starts going off, i figure it's my mom calling to make sure i'm up for school. nope, it was only 1:15 and felt like i slept for a while. and it was laura calling. she was like yelling, well not really, why am i up, i should be sleeping. she was up cause of a fire drill. whoa. and then of course when i had to get up for school, i was tired. the end.
sitting outside on the steps downtown, is nice at night. even with this chill. just sitting drawing on cardboard which are holding my prints. i wish i could do it more often. open house tomorrow at UARTS. i'm going to disney on ice. woo hoo.
none of my prints turned out great. i got down around 6:00? didn't start printing not too soon before 5. the ink i forgot to add stuff too. and the pressure was ick at times. and the one print i did like, it's cut off. but i made four prints of three plates. laura's fish is ehhh, too much ink. then i did the ghost print and it's like faint. oh well. i'll post pictures of them later.