(no subject)

Oct 13, 2005 08:36

ughhhhhhhhh i wish i lived down here. this is such a waste. normally i have a longgggg break 11:20-4:00 today it would have been 11:20-5:30 because i don't have writing. i just found out, my 2d teacher is sick. which is my 8:30-11:20 class. so today is a total waste, and i don't have class until 5:30. i'm considering going home, but that's like 2 hours of going back and forth or so for one day!! and i was gonna work on 3d but the girl isn't in there right now.

[edit@11:19pm] but i got rent soundtrack! i wanted roger. but kept finding a ton of angel, benny, a few colins, and joanne. one mark. and mimi. so i settled for mimi. it was the only one. three stores i checked just today, so yeah. i really wanted it. i ♥ it. and i love that stuart townsend has a show, even if it is a remake. i had to tape it cause of csi. [/edit]
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