rarepair_shorts ficlet- R- Never did we know

May 21, 2009 09:47

Title: Never did we know
Character Pairing: Draco/Blaise
Prompt: Well, if you put it that way.
Rating: R to be safe
Word Count: 366 aprox.
Summary: Draco and Blaise discuss just where this situation leaves them.
Author's Notes: Canon? What is this canon you speak of? ;) Nine of thirteen.
Link to Prompt Table: This way...

Theo retreated to the furthest corner of the room, not wanting to intrude on what surely was going to be an interesting conversation between his best mates.

Blaise just sighed and muttered, "I still say we kill the little wanker should the opportunity arise."

"As much as I agree, we aren't going to be allowed," Draco said, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting heavily. But, there was one thing they had to agree on before talking to Dumbledore. "We save Greg and Vin from this, if we're not too damn late. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Blaise and Theo chorused. Then Blaise sighed heavily. "What are the odds that Dumbledore will accept us?"

Theo winced and turned away, picking up the closest book. Whatever was coming was likely to be difficult for all of them to deal with. But what choice did they have?

"He'll have to accept us or ignore it," Draco said coldly. "If Snape can't talk him into helping then we'll just fucking leave. Our fathers obviously dismissed their responsibilities. Maybe we can figure out how to fix things even if we're out of the country and in," he nearly snarled, "hiding."

Blaise wrapped his arms around Draco, smirking. "How about I promise to distract you everytime Dumbledore says or does something that brasses you off? Will that help at all?"

Draco's brows shot up. "You know when you explain it that way, I don't know that I'll mind this. I can be a temperamental wanker. You may have to distract me often."

Theo looked up from his book, laughing long and hard. "I don't know, Draco. You've always seemed so even-tempered to me. Postively cheerful. In fact, I'm right surprised there aren't all sort of cute animals trailing after you."

Blaise snorted, releasing his lover and stepping back wary of just what Draco may do to them for teasing him. "Oh yes, that's our Draco, an even tempered bloke who never ever has a cross word for anyone."

Sulking, Draco plopped into the nearest chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "You two are hilarious."

Blaise just shook his head. Only time would tell if they could deal with this new situation without going mad.

airmidm, rarepair_shorts, blaise/draco

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