Title: I keep wishing and hoping
airmidm and
jandjsalmonFandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Greg Goyle/Tracey Davis
Prompt: #029 - Waiting
Word Count: 335 words
Rating: PG
Summary: Tracey and Greg are best friends, have been since they were in nappies - but they're not speaking to one another anymore. It's not a very pleasant situation and Tracey can't help but wait.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: HP doesn't belong to us - though if it did you can be damn sure we wouldn't sue the Lexicon guy.
It wasn't like she was waiting for him or anything. What he did with Vincent and Draco was none of her affair, but she could see the light draining out of him every passing day, so there she stood, beside some tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy or something, waiting for her best friend, even if it was only for a glance to make sure he was okay.
Greg, shoulders slumped and weary to his very bones, followed silently behind Draco. Day after day he and Vinnie had come to walk the corridor while Draco did something 'important' inside. Something that Greg's own father had said was more important than any girl.
But Greg couldn't help it. Every day he hoped she would someday understand why he was doing all of this and forgive him. Waiting for that though was killing him slowly. He knew, just knew, that he had to be patient. As small as she was, it was hard to believe she had such a temper, but Tracey was a champion at holding a grudge. This was the first time that he could ever remember that trait being directed at him though, and it hurt more than anything he'd ever experienced.
They turned the corridor and he saw her standing there, trying to make it not look like she'd been waiting there all along. A bit of the weight lifted when he saw her. "Maeve?"
Draco arched an eyebrow and Tracey nodded toward him. "Just making sure you three were all right. I see you are, so I'll... I'll just go." She reached up and adjusted her bag and, ducking her head, started to walk down the corridor.
Greg desperately wanted to reach out, to pull her close and just hold her. He went as far as reaching out for her before he remembered what was tattooed on the very arm he'd nearly touched her with. Dropping his chin to his chest, he let his arm fall and his Maeve pass him by.