Title: Everyday love
Character Pairing: Tracey Davis/ Greg Goyle
Prompt: two weekends ago
Rating: Umm...R for mention of nudity?
Word Count: 257
Summary:Tenth of thirteen. Early morning with Greg and Tracey.
Author's notes Inspiration for this one from
Everyday love by Rascal Flatts.
Link to prompt table:
prompt table Greg blinked, waking enough to realise that his arms were empty. He reached out, patting the spot where Maeve was supposed to be. The sheets were still warm from her but, he sat up and looked around the room, she wasn't anywhere near. Rubbing his face, he slid out of bed. This was the first time he'd woken alone almost two weeks. He didn't like it, not one bit.
Padding through the house, he listened carefully for any sound that would alert him of her location. "Maeve?" he called, once he stepped into the large kitchen.
"In here!" she called, stepping out of the large pantry, clad in nothing but one of his button ups. She giggled. "A sheet, Val? Didn't want to take time to grab actual clothes?"
He grinned wickedly, fingering the hasty knot he'd tied to secure the sheet. He'd not seen any actual clothes when he had begun his search. Not that it mattered, he was used to walking around in next to nothing. He just couldn't resist a bit of teasing. Well, it was only teasing if she didn't take him up on it, he decided. Has it really only been this way for such a short time? What...two weekends ago? It feels like longer.
Tracey's giggles faded about the same time he dropped the sheet, all thoughts of breakfast in bed vanishing only to be replaced by thoughts of jumping him right here in the middle of the kitchen.
Greg's grin widened and he opened his arms, silently challenging her.