Title: The last thing we need...
airmidm and
jandjsalmonFandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Greg Goyle/Tracey Davis
Prompt: #005-Blankets
Word Count: 352 words
Rating: G
Summary: Tracey and Greg are best friends, have been since they were in nappies. What happens when Greg and Tracey witness the events during the third task of the Triwizard Tournament?
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: HP doesn't belong to us - though if it did you can be damn sure we wouldn't sue the Lexicon guy.
"What's taking them so long, Val?" Tracey asked as she rubbed her arms. It may have been late June, but as the evening wore on and the Champions still hadn't come out of the maze, the air was turning brisker. She knew she should have worn her jumper, but thinking that it would all be over and done with as quickly as the other tasks, she hadn't felt it necessary.
Greg opened the
blanket he'd brought with them, tucking it around her before tugging her into his lap. He kissed her brow and pulled his cloak up around the both of them in hopes of warming her up quickly, his eyes scanning the maze entrance and the crowds constantly. There was something odd going on and both of them knew it. "I don't know, Maeve. If it takes much longer, I'll take you back. There is no sense in being ill over this silliness."
Tracey smiled weakly at her best friend. He always took care of her. She wished, momentarily, that their other friends could see him the way she saw him, but she stuffed that desire down when she consciously thought about it. His behaviour kept them both safe.
Greg tried his best to smile in reply, but couldn't manage it. He knew, someway, somehow, that this was the 'big show of power' that his father was holding over his head. He didn't want Maeve to witness it- whatever it was. Instead he leaned in to whisper, "I think I should get you back, Maeve. It doesn't seem safe here just now."
Just as she was about to let him guide her back to the common room, people around them started shouting. They both looked down turned toward the entrance to the maze and saw Harry Potter, sobbing and alone but carrying something behind him. People were getting riled up, Draco looked over to them in triumph and Greg just wrapped the blanket around her. "We need to get back in now, Maeve. This doesn't look good."